BCCsuite - Best Chirplet Chain |
The BCCsuite is a library (written partly in C and in GNU Octave) which implements the building blocks of a data analysis pipeline which aims to detecting and estimating chirping signals in random noise. BCC has been developped initially in the context of gravitational wave detection with large-scale interferometers. However, it adresses a general question which is common to many fields like the music transcription, under-water or biological acoustics, etc. BCCsuite is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public Licence. DownloadCurrent version is freely available for download.
It can also be accessed from CVS (read-only) with viewCVS or
using the anonymous account (no password is needed):
Note: when you later update from within the module's directory (with cvs update) you do not need the -d option anymore. Bug report
Before you file a bug, please read through the list of
current and previous bugs to determine if your bug has already
been filed. If your bug does not appear in the list, compile a
description of the problem including a concise reproducible example
and submit a bug
report. If you succeeded in identifying the problem and you have a
solution, feel free to a patch to your bug report. Please, format
the patch with the command